About Us

Vision and Purpose

God is calling us to be a diverse community that welcomes one another to the journey of seeking to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
(Matthew 22:37-39)

Because God creates us for relationships,
St. Timothy seeks to grow in discipleship and doing justice through intentional acts of service in our daily lives and as a congregation together.

Because God comes enfleshed in the human Jesus,
St. Timothy seeks to cultivate loving kindness through life-long formation as disciples who care and practice acts of love.

Because God sustains through the Spirit,
St. Timothy seeks to walk humbly with God in all our diverse gifts, abilities and backgrounds through commitment to worship, prayer, Bible study, and meditation.

Reconciling in Christ Congregation

St. Timothy is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. This is our Welcome Statement:

“There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female… for you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28).

St. Timothy is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation, actively welcoming all to join in the journey of seeking to love God with our whole being, and our neighbors as ourselves. We acknowledge that we have fallen short of this and need ongoing reconciliation. We welcome people of every gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as others who are marginalized. As a congregation, we affirm that all are created in the image of God and we seek to restore all relationships and to grow together in understanding God’s love for all.

Guiding Commitment to Racial Equity

St. Timothy Lutheran Church is on an ongoing journey toward embodying racial equity in our faith and congregational life. We proclaim that:

  • God creates us all in God’s image. Because we recognize we have not lived out that reality, we proclaim this affirmation especially regarding people who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color both within our St. Timothy community and among our neighbors.
  • We are called to a continuous process of repentance, healing, and repair. This call is for us as individuals, for our congregation as a whole, and for us to advocate for in the larger systems in our world.

Following the welcoming and reconciling footsteps of Jesus, St. Timothy Lutheran Church publicly declares that we will actively pursue racial justice by continuing to learn and grow, seeking opportunities to stand with our neighbors, and making changes to build an enduring culture of anti-racist faith in beloved community.

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