God is at work among you!

Written by Hans Jorgensen

September 25, 2020

In Philiippians 2, Paul writes to the people in Philippi that “God is at work among you, enabling you both to will and to work for God’s good pleasure.”

We don’t always believe this to be true, but Paul’s words remind us that God is at work among us. What are signs of God’s work, and how can we share that?

Paul loved the Philippians, and his letter oozes with gratefulness for them. Write one thank-you note this week to extend that grace to someone who’s touched your life for good.

There is goodness all around, but it is not evenly distributed. What is one step you can take to advocate for equity in health, food, or opportunity? None of us needs to do it all, but we can do one thing as God works among us. I’m grateful for the all the ways the St. Timothy community shares gratefully!

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