Grace Before Law

Written by Hans Jorgensen

March 4, 2021

In Exodus 20, God tells Moses, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.”

Before God shares the Ten Commandments to guide the people, it begins in a word of covenant and grace. God is the liberator, who brings out of slavery and oppression. Did you know this? Does it change how you hear the commandments since they are in that context?

How do you view the commandments? Do you think they are helpful for guiding our community? Do you struggle with some of them in particular?

There is often a literal meaning to each commandment as well as a deeper interpretation. For instance, Martin Luther said of the 5th commandment (you shall not kill) it meant this: “We are to fear and love God, so that we neither endanger nor harm the lives of our neighbors, but instead help and support them in all of life’s needs.” How does that change your view of the breadth of that commandment?

Friends, this is a hard Lent, coming as it does after a year of social distance, masks, and costs to health and well-being of so many. I am grateful that you continue to strive to learn from God the liberator who calls us into the ministry of caring for our neighbors. Thank you!

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