Jesus Meets Thomas Where He Is

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Written by Hans Jorgensen

April 9, 2021

In John 20, the risen Jesus says to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.”

I love how Jesus meets Thomas where he is! Thomas won’t believe some pious hope just because his friends do. Thomas wants to touch for himself. Jesus realizes that for Thomas, belief includes touch, and Jesus invites him to do so! How can that help you in your unique way of seeking?

Notice the importance of touch in this passage. We’ve learned a lot during the COVID pandemic about the role of good touch, and how we rely on that. What have you noticed about that over the past year? And how does that affect your faith, like with Thomas?

This week, as the trial of Derek Chauvin continues, notice the questions and doubts and hurts you carry. Like Thomas, Jesus meets you where you are. Pay special attention to the trauma that neighbors in Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities feel as this is replayed. Pray for those who are affected in those BIPOC communities, as well as for police officers who are seeking to serve with integrity. Work for justice alongside others who are seeking. May Jesus meet us where we are — just as the gospel tells with Thomas.

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