Let Justice Roll Down like Water

Written by St. Timothy

November 6, 2020

The prophet Amos resounds: Take away from me the noise of your song, but let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

I’m always struck by these thundering words from Amos. As a pastor, I spend no little time on the “noise” that Amos is talking about. How do worship and prayer guide you in the journey of letting justice and righteousness flow? How do they distract you?

Justice and righteousness are not two things; they are a poetic way of amplifying one integrated reality of shalom, wholeness, well-being for all people. Where do you see justice flowing with integrity? Do you see this in certain young people who keep standing for values of inclusion? In senior citizens who persist despite all they’ve been through?

Amos reflects the pathos of God, in that God feels the injustice and pain that the oppressed and dislocated experience. How can our worship connect us both to the heart of God and to the hands of God in our actions?

People of St. Timothy – I am grateful for the ways you show your commitment to letting God’s justice roll down like water! As the election process moves ahead, God grant you energy to continue in the ever-flowingness of this journey!

Peace, Pastor Hans

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