
woman in blue jacket holding white and black i am happy to be happy print paper

Written by Hans Jorgensen

November 26, 2021

In Luke 21, Jesus says, “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves.” Jesus could just as well be describing our day, couldn’t he?

As we keep learning about the impacts of climate change on so many parts of our globe, we notice the signs. It can be easy to panic or give up. It could be easy to stop trying. But Jesus is realistic with the disciples so they will be prepared for the disruptions and yet continue acting in hope. What is one act of hope for you in the days of our climate needs? Driving less? Changing the diet to have less carbon impact? Planting a garden? Voting?

Our faith is connected with so many others. The pandemics we have faced over the past two years have shown us clearly how much we depend on one another. As you notice the distress, the signs of all this, who helps you to keep going? A neighbor or relative or author? How do you help someone else keep going?

People of St. Timothy, even when we are scattered for various reasons, we are a community where God’s good news continues to be heard and shared. Thank you for noticing the signs, and continuing to prepare your lives for the Incarnate One who shares our life from infancy through it all. Truly this is a time where we watch for the advent of Christ.

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