The Mystery of Baptism

close up shot of splashing sea waves

Written by Hans Jorgensen

June 23, 2023

Paul wrote to the people in Rome about the mystery of baptism in Romans 6. Paul said that in baptism we are joined to Christ in death so we may be raised to walk in newness of life. Each day, Martin Luther counseled, we can be renewed as we wake by remembering our baptism with a splash of water to remind us to consider ourselves “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Each day is a chance to be renewed for living.

Are you excited when you first wake up? Some are “morning people” while others find that time of day to be hard. Whenever it fits for you this week, splash a little water on your face or forehead to remind yourself that whatever mistakes you made yesterday, today is a new day. You get an opportunity to be alive to God’s love and wonder. You get a new opportunity to share a few moments of care and joy with someone else, knowing that Christ goes before you through everything, even death, to bring you to life anew.

People of St. Timothy, we know there are many concerns in your world that weigh on you. Your concerns matter, and God is even now working so you can live in the messy reality of new life with God’s grace washing you again and again.


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