Be Still, God is Re-forming Us

Be Still, God is Re-forming Us

As we mark Reformation Sunday this weekend, we can quickly notice how God continues to re-form us in grace. Both church and society continue to be in a time of great change, so it is delicious good news that God is not done speaking or working in our lives, our...
Joy As A Practice

Joy As A Practice

In Matthew 22, Jesus speaks of God’s reign as being like a banquet. We don’t always think of God in terms of feasting, but Jesus seems to believe God likes a good party. Especially when the feast can also include those who don’t always get an invitation, God’s...
Vineyard Justice

Vineyard Justice

In Isaiah 5, it says that God planted a vineyard and expected justice but instead saw bloodshed, and sought righteousness but instead heard a cry. When we were doing a Bible study on Isaiah last year, we studied this passage. Several of us commented how we preferred...
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